Toenail Fungus Five Home Remedies

By Taylor Dean

The first home remedy I will talk about came from my cousin Cheryl. She told me once a week she soaks her feet in Listerine for ten minutes. She has no signs of nail fungus since using this home remedy

The second home remedy is Hydrogen Peroxide you soak your feet every day for two weeks then every other day for one week then twice a week for two weeks then once a week for two weeks.

The next home remedy I do not recommend trying. But I am including because it is a common home remedy for toenail fungus that I receive e-mail of the success. This home remedy involves soaking your feet in two cups of bleach and one gallon of very warm water. This remedy seems dangerous to me and I never tried this treatment.


The next home remedy involves using warm water with baking soda. I have also heard using baking soda and just enough water to make a paste to put on the affected nail fungus.

This home remedy uses the juice from three lemons and half gallon of very warm water. You soak your feet till they start to prune.

I think some of the home treatments may help but you need to weigh all the options. I would start by talking to your family doctor. you should make it a habit to get a second opinion on any treatment or procedure if it is possible.

The studies that I have seen project 20 to 40 percent of people with toenail fungus or nail fungus never seek treatment. I hope you are not in that group. I urge to start a treatment today. Toenail fungus will not go away without some kind of treatment.

There is a lot of good information on the internet find out everything you can and make a choice for a treatment.

About the Author: Taylor Dean is VP of research for


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